In the world of website or blog, certainly you often hear the term of domain or hosting. Domain and hosting are the essential things for a website or blog. Therefore, let’s know and understand what domain and hosting are. For those of you who are not familiar yet with domain and hosting, below is the discussion that Kang Rohman can deliver to you.
- Domain
In creating a website or blog, you are obligated to have the domain. What is domain?
Maybe you have ever heard about this term in other fields such as math or others. If we observe the general definition, domain means a place or the territory. It will be the same as in the internet; you need to have a place for your website or blog.
Maybe you have ever heard about this term in other fields such as math or others. If we observe the general definition, domain means a place or the territory. It will be the same as in the internet; you need to have a place for your website or blog.
To differ from one domain with another domain, the domain should be given a name, or we call it the domain name, e.g. http://kangrohman.com, http://berandaku.com, http://blogspottutorial.com, etc. In the popular term, the domain name refers to Domain.
The Domain name is various according to the goal of a website created. The types of domain are specified with the words after it such as:
- com ( read: dot com ) : for commercial website
- org : for organization website
- info : for website contains information
- biz : for business website
- gov: for government’s website
- etc
There are also domains tend to territory:
- us : for website in the United States (US)
- co.id ( read : dot co dot id ) : for website in Indonesia
- cn : for website in China
- co.il : for website in Israel
- my : for website in Malaysia
- etc
However, in the practical, the domain names are no longer for the specified identities, for instance, the domain name ends with .org, used for personal website not for an organization, domain name ends with .info, used for commercial, and so on.
To purchase the domain, you can buy it at the websites that sell domain. This purchase is not permanent, but for a period in years (usually, the price will be for one year). Or precisely, we hire the domain, not buy. But it is more popular to buy a domain not hire a domain.
In the domain, there’s something called Sub Domain (part of domain). The Sub-domain is created of the main domain. The Sub domain can be identified from a separate written by dot (point). For instance, the main domain is kangrohman.com, we can create the sub-domain as blog.kangrohman.com, tool.kangrohman.com, nangkring.kangrohman.com. Or the real example for you is like kolom-tutorial.blogspot.com. Main domain is blogspot.com and the sub domain is kolom-tutorial.
To purchase the domain, you can buy it at the websites that sell domain. This purchase is not permanent, but for a period in years (usually, the price will be for one year). Or precisely, we hire the domain, not buy. But it is more popular to buy a domain not hire a domain.
In the domain, there’s something called Sub Domain (part of domain). The Sub-domain is created of the main domain. The Sub domain can be identified from a separate written by dot (point). For instance, the main domain is kangrohman.com, we can create the sub-domain as blog.kangrohman.com, tool.kangrohman.com, nangkring.kangrohman.com. Or the real example for you is like kolom-tutorial.blogspot.com. Main domain is blogspot.com and the sub domain is kolom-tutorial.
- Hosting
If you have bough a domain and you access the domain, it will be a blank page. In order to fill out the domain, we will need a hosting to store the database, web machine, etc.
An easy illustration, domain is like a computer and hosting is like the electricity. Both are to support each other. Or another example, the laptop with its battery. So, a website should have the domain name and hosting so it can be accessed by public.
To create a webhosting, you will need the very expensive tools, therefore, a webhosting company are present to give the space or bandwidth. You can find many webhosting companies on the internet.
Hiring a webhosting is usually fixed to 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, etc. One webhosting is certainly different from another one.
That’s all today’s post. Next posts, I’ll try to discuss about how to buy a domain, select domain name, select the right hosting, etc.
If there’s a mistake in writing and explaining about domain and hosting, please correct. Thanks.
An easy illustration, domain is like a computer and hosting is like the electricity. Both are to support each other. Or another example, the laptop with its battery. So, a website should have the domain name and hosting so it can be accessed by public.
To create a webhosting, you will need the very expensive tools, therefore, a webhosting company are present to give the space or bandwidth. You can find many webhosting companies on the internet.
Hiring a webhosting is usually fixed to 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, etc. One webhosting is certainly different from another one.
That’s all today’s post. Next posts, I’ll try to discuss about how to buy a domain, select domain name, select the right hosting, etc.
If there’s a mistake in writing and explaining about domain and hosting, please correct. Thanks.
If anyone want to have domain then he or she should consider above information.Register a Domain