Multiple domain hosting lets you host different websites on 1 account while paying the hosting fee for just 1 website. This way you can save hundreds of dollars on hosting. And if you are an internet marketer with numerous mini sites or niche sites, you can cut your costs even more.
How much money can you save with multiple domain hosting?
Let's say you have 2 different websites, one is your personal blog, and another one is about your hobby (e.g. about DIY). You buy a 'traditional hosting' package that costs you $7 / month. For a whole year it would cost 12 x $7 = $84. And you would be charged that amount twice, since you have 2 websites. Your hosting costs would add up to $168.If you use multiple domain hosting where the fee is, for example, also $7 / month, then you would only pay 12 x $7 = $84 for hosting both your websites. Your savings are $84 / per year. It's not that much yet, but if you host much more websites on your multiple domain hosting account, your savings will rise exponentially. For example, if you have 10 different websites, you can save as much as $756 a year.
Comparision of the amounts you can save
Different hosting companies and hosting plans allow a different number of additional domains (add on domains) that you can host on your account. Bluehost offers you the opportunity to host unlimited websites on 1 account while paying for only 1 account, The monthly free can be as low as $6.99 per month. Check out their site here >
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